No matter how expensive and good internet plan you buy, speed problem is common to all. Today, we are telling you why slow internet problem occurs. Also we will tell you the method with which you can make your Internet speed super fast.
Internet speed is a problem that is never solved. No matter how expensive and good internet plan you buy, speed problem is common to all. Today we are telling you why your internet speed becomes slow? Also we will tell you the method with which you can make your internet speed super fast.
Intenet Speed slows due to internet throttling
Despite having a high speed internet plan, if your system is running slow, then Internet throttling due to this. In fact, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) uses Internet throttling only to give equal speed to everyone in the area. If one person or some people are watching HD movie together in one area or downloading a heavy file, the server load increases significantly. In this case, the Internet Service Provider reduces their speed from their internal settings. So that at one time the load on the server would be reduced and all the people of the area would get the same speed. This is the reason that despite taking a high speed plan, internet speed remains slow.
How to increase internet speed
Most Internet Service Specialists recommend that if your net is running slowly then the easiest treatment for this is VPN i.e. Virtual Private Network - Virtual Private Network. The special thing about this network is that it provides you a separate server without being seen by the Internet service provider. By working on it, your speed automatically increases. You can download and use one such VPN in your mobile or laptop.
Keep monitoring from any internet speed test app or site
You can take help of any internet speed test app or website to check your internet speed. If you check your speed at different times, you will find out whether the Internet service provider has installed Internet throttling in your connection. You can also complain about your speed to the service provider company.
Try these tips to increase internet speed in smartphone
Do this setting in the phone
first go to the phone settings and tap on cellular network. If you do not see the cellular network, then it will be found in More in Settings. Now select the SIM from which you are using 4G data. Now go to Acess Point Names and tap on the SIM with which you are using data.
Setting 1
Now you will have a list of setting open in front of you, tap on the server. This will be a blank, on which you write OK to
Setting 2
Now scroll down and tap on Authentication type. Here you will see None, which you have to PAP.
Setting 3
comes down, you will get the option of APN type and go into it and write Default. After all these settings tap on the three dot seen above. Here, there will be a Save option and tap on it. The speed of your phone will increase after the setting is saved.